
Menu is a design-driven furniture brand that seeks to unite individuals and spaces through exceptional design. Crafting furniture, lighting, and interior accessories with purposeful details, high-quality materials, and a focus on human needs, Menu fosters a sense of community, connecting designers, manufacturers, and customers. This connection results in products that stand the test of time, promote human connection, and push the boundaries of modern design. By embracing a collaborative spirit, MENU's minimalistic designs successfully bridge the gap between residential, workplace, and service industry spaces, redefining their usage and ultimately enhancing human connections.

Today, MENU's designs can be found around the globe, with the brand partnering with contemporary talents from Scandinavia and beyond to ensure their portfolio anticipates needs and offers beautiful, functional solutions. The brand's commitment to modern design built to last is evident in the high-quality production of each piece, catering to both contract buyers and private customers. Embracing emotional durability, MENU's products evolve with time, deepening the bond between users and their creations. The Audo, MENU's showroom, is a unique concept that combines co-working, event facilities, a café, restaurant, retail area, and exclusive residence to create a community-building space that showcases MENU's comprehensive range of furniture, lighting, and accessories, reflecting the brand's founding philosophy of collaborative spirit and redefining connections within design and space.

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